pagi2 buta, lps masuk keje, rehat2 sambil panaskn enjin (ntok keje), kak mas (opismate/ mentor kt Azmi nih) tanya, "KAT MANA NAK BELI JAM NTOK BDK LELAKI A?!"
membuatkan aku trus mencari calculator. sorry, maths definately is not my element. kenapa?! untuk mengira (of course).

sbnarnya, the last time my wrist was accessorised wif a watch, was when I was in my (early) Form 4! after endlessly adoring SWATCH(es) n come to learn that they don't last, abah belikan jam tangan yg agk mahal (at dat time la). 3/10 gaji chambering! excited giler. ada dates, day n even graphic mlm siang lengkap dgn bulan n matahari pusing2 ikut waktu/ hari. the watch was adored dearly by all peers n the owner definately (kecik2 dh suke b'lagak... he he he)
nak dijdkn cerita, sementara mnunggu nak pndh skolah (after raya msuk SMAPK ngan sheque/mazza) masihler menjadi bdk irshad waktu itu. n awl2 tahun tuh, bln posa, so being an obedient religios skoolboy, pegila terawih tiap2 mlm. terawih kt skolah 8 ja... satu mlm tuh (tak tau la lailatul qadar ka apa) tertinggal jam tgn tuh kt lm loker! maybe sbb b'gegas nk ke surau sbb b'buke dgn leisurely n siap2 dgn malasnya! so, bla teringat tuh (minus the ketdk khusyukan b'jemaah) balik la (b'lari more accurately) p hostel after abes terawih n b4 pegi moreh (def: mkn2 lps terawih). n the watch is gone! yes, STOLEN!!! how shocked i was, i still have the picture of that nite in my mind up till now, and yes, siap ingat the detail up to what i was wearing! org ckp workers kt blkg curi, tp ntahler... it was too fast at that time, n tak lama lps tuh dh transfer. so, regaining back the lost watch n calling for a search for it, was somethin' not firmly done.
so, lepas2 tuh, trus merajuk tak mo pki jam! awl2 form 4 lps raya n masa pndh skolah tuh, still ada 1 jam, tapi smpn dlm beg. tak pakai kt tgn pun! smpi jam tuh mmg dh tak leh guna lgsung...
n slps puas mengire, dis year, its been 11 years since i last wore one n asking me where to shop 4 one... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeet... not good question people! he he he
recently, masa my bro blk kg, mama sebok soh dia adiahkan jam tgn to me. but as my bro (firmly) believes on making his (cute) lil bro independent (as hell), he refused sponsoring it n ask my mum ntok let it be. in other words, if I want one, go buy u'rself. how inspiring!!!
but on the goodside, i still don't think I'm all prepared for one... sbb i think hving a cool hndphone where not only u can text people, mms or even take or make calls but having it as a piece of a time keeper would make me look more upbeat, beyond tommorow
ish n techie... he he he.
so people, don't bother flagging u'r piguet or u'r longines... becoz i don't care! i totally do... i might drool of thinkin' how rich u r though...
just be mindful,
time whenever mention shall be deemed as an essence!!!
p/s: hebat kn selection of watches these days, yg ni siap ada
gigi biru (blue tooth) function!