hmm... baru2 ni... got the chance of having a thingy ma jinghy called reunion with my closest circle of friends... dkt PD lagi tuh... though tak smua leh dtg, memori2 lama yg tersorot - mmg breathtaking! so i'm contributing this post to 'em... mostly on why i'll be missing them... as much as the waves misses the shores...
nadeu - the longest companion eva! skolah n U skali! mmg takde muke lain dh... kalu aku jln takde dia, musti org tanyer, 'nader mana?' and vice versa. hmmm... what i'll miss bout him is... his resourcefulnes (sheque, 2007, PD). Slalu menyuply keperluan asas bla kta jumpa2. ada 2 degree oooo.. he's now chmbrin' at zain.
yeop - jugak the other fren i keep trying to loose dr skolah... tp unsuccessful. talkative by nature n 'penyayang' (self proclaimed). i sure won't miss him... dhla keje skali... satu opis... ym pun asyek ngan dia... I'm so (all) over him... ha ha ha (euwww!!). lawyer intellectual property yg sebok diet la nih!
sudin - new found fren kt U. good at cooking (walau mngambil masa ntok menghidang nasi goreng ayam bwt diriku) n pandai melawak (not to mention, presiden seumo idup kelab pekak!). i'll surely miss his jokes n pekakness. he's now chmbrin' at zain (as well)
sheque - nih lg sorang... dr skolah rendah kenai! dh lemas k! secretive but yet revealing when you know which button to push. what i'll miss bout him is... his wacko ideas n out of this world 'lists'. and all the small talks. auditor now, accountant in the future, insyallah
joxer - though masuk U skali, tp different course. probably miss his provocatice thoughts n high pitch comments. master students now... pemikir AGUNG in the future?
ixar - jauh terbuang di MMU (so he thought). cute n bubly... yet emotional n opinionated... miss his naughty ideas n 'gengsterism'... suke lead org wt jahat... tp sronot... 'muhasabh diri' konon! finishing his master... animated character in the making (more of a spongebob rather) ha ha ha
nodeng - ustaz among us! skrg tgh mendidik ank bangsa back at his homeplace, gannu senyum sokmo... miss his naivety(if there's such a word!). elok2 ek ngajor bebudak tuh...
yemza - pegi UITM pas skolah. tp still keep in touch. full of own thoughts. teman se'merapu'an. miss ke'kitnel'annya! working in a financial institution now whilst finishing his professional course.
tobey - antara yg dh lama tak jumpa. mulut ya rabbi... tmn berperang ku. rindu laseran mu... in a way, melatih aku ntok menjawab laser2an org... ha ha ha. keje ngan Islamic publication la nih... hmmm
zali - ni lg jauh tercampak nun jauh ke selatan! archie! miss his creativeness. mewarnai n menceriakn buku otograp smua org. tak tau la apa jd la nih... mmg nk kna terjah lagi kalu nk tau perkembangan... miss him the most! sbb dia antara yg rapat dulu, tp yg plg jauh terpisah skrg...
for all u guyzs... FRANCE
halahaiiii... how shweeettt!!
animated character in the making? motiff?
eh the "muhasabah diri" bukan idea aku yer.. sape tah hehehe..
tu yeop ek? ermm....lain eh..
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