Wednesday, March 25, 2009


My pre b'day started wif a 2 days celebration at Marriot organized by my office (seminar actually). As the seminar was close 2 my previous office, stop by sekejap to pick up on the gossip pace there... he he he

Then did window shopping at Pav and KLCC and dis is my pre b'day party entree includes cookies from Famous Amos, the new Mushroom Grilled Chicken from BK and plain water! Called my parents whom hands helped to pick the date I greet the world.

Wonder what happen tomorrow when the big 27 hits! Another 3 years to the mature 30! So not ready!

BTW, this is an art I did 3 years back while still chamberin' at Azmi's. Cepat masa b'lalu. Thanks to all the well-wishers! N yes mi, I'm horrible at counting! x dak accountin' backgroundkn?!

updated on 26/3/09

temasey for the makan2, gifts, well wishes! glad 2 know my number of frens did not deplete through time... he he he n gettin' the wish from someone I never hoped for/ dreamed of is more kn?!

1 comment:

Shuhada Daud said...

Have a grand time on your birthday!!