wlupun more attention should be put into its details(bonet keta yg kena tembak b'lubang2, di next scenenya elok, x da scratch lgsung n setem usia ratusan tahun tp kertasnya masih putih bersih)... tapi aku rasa this is still one of the best movie from m'sian cinema this year. khabir bahktiar continues to impress. sayangnya dia bkn m'sian.
with yasmin ahmad no more directing, aziz m osman muncul skali skala, othman hafsham mentioned of no projects b'tahun2 lamanya... is m'sian cinema's fate lies only in the hand of prof madya razak mohaideen n ahmad idham (and shamsul haslam)?!
We are waiting for you la baraq...
u and your ayaq tangan
he he he
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