last weekend hectic giler. memule g kenduri latifi/alba dkt senawang, pastu g kenduri asni asib kt segamat. ahadnyer plak pg kenduri safuan dkt ulu yam... memang la kawen2 m'sia... ala cuti2 m'sia... he he he perot pun pedih dok b'campuq mknan...
it seems like an 'in' thing lately... everybody is getting hitched... even Pak lah (should I say u made Kepala Batas proud?! I wonder)... mungkin coz cuti skolah. katanya msjd Kepala Batas nk bwt kenduri ntok Pak Lah dis Friday after jumaat... sah2la jam jln Tun Perak tuh... Though I like weddings (being a gift shopper by profession and all) tp mcm buhsan la... sbb time2 cmni la org dok sebok tanyer "ang bla palk?!" and jwpnnya... mmg susah nk diberi...
cuba bygkn, kalu my dream of a wedding is at an island somewhere where guests are to be rowed over to the reception... filled with scented candles... n bayu mlm yg menggigit... sound coming from the band...only 50 of my most acquainted guest... wouldn't that incur me a life saving?! so, knala simpankn?! dgn gaji ciput cm skrg, nk tempah bot pg pulau pun blum tentu lepas!!!
at one point of time, bla org tanyer, 'what are you views on marriage?!' aku terus terang ckp... bnyk lagi sunnah lain yg bley diidupkn... tp smjk asyek kna tinggal kt umah sensorang nih (housemate bz b'outstation), the idea of living together and feeling completed by another seems pretty alluring... smpi bla nk menua (mentua?) sendiri?! ikut observation aku, org dh 30 lebey tp still single, smua mcm haywire... aku tak nk jd cmtuh!!!! TOLONG!!!!
having said that however... kawen or tak... we leave that to 'jodoh, ajal maut di tgn tuhan'; bley?! for now, i'm enjoying my free time alone n disregarding the word 'sharing' in my life....
back to the topic, pda mika2 yg bru mlgkh ke gerbang 'berdua lebey baik' or b'tiga/b'empat/b'lima (as the case maybe)... aku ucapkn congratzs n moga bahagia ke akhir hayat... ingat, in life, there are no mr. right or miss right... yg ada hanyala 'us making it right'... usaha tangga kejayaan kata org. kata P.Ramlee lak, 'sdgkn lidah lagi tergigit...'