maybe balasan for all the suffering years endowed by women (as claimed), apa2 ja yg ada kaitan dgn pompuan skrg nih, mmg disambut meriah… women’s day, ladies nite n most recent, Mother’s Day!!! siap ada national celebration lg…
so for the unsung heroes, I wanna dedicate this post to you… especially to kwn2 aku yg slmt menjadi ayh org, pacai, kimi, kak not and those yg branak pinak tp takde hati nk bitau diriku or sbb aku mmg smulajadi plupa… n especially to the one who loves me the most but shows his affection the least… HEPPI FATHER’s DAY!!!!
Trima kasih2...
tak dak present ka?haha
ank tu kn 'anugerah teragung'! ko nk pa lg?! kalu umah dkt... bley gk g tgk... n doakn agar ank tak turn out senakal ayhnya... ha ha ha
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