Monday, June 18, 2007

news FLASH

sometime, even mubaraq reads the news… (amazingly enough!) the followings are among news highlights which managed to grab his attention:

a. bombing (exaggerative!) in Puduraya

whut kind of bimbos do we have here!? try being a rebel n all… challenging the democracy we have… the peace and tranquility we enjoyed all this long… kalu aku jumpa la org yg place the bomb there, mmg tunjal smpi mati! dhla injuring public citizen (minor plak tuh)… nila kalu too much of TV… ingt hebatla jd villain n blow up public places… apa ingt kt m’sia nih ada cicakman? kluangman? nk dtg slmtkn smua org? huh!!

b. homobombs

new findings show evidence that Pentagon has once considered making a biological bombs which upon going off, turn the enemy soldiers into homosexuals!!!! ridiculous!!! this is yet another tv plot coming alive!!! come to think of it, kalu bley men’gay’kn people, than buat jerla bomb ntok de-gay kn org… selesai satu kebejatan social! hmm… arituh tgk 360 kt tv3, crite psl gay jugak… at the end, host ckp… diorg leh brubah by giving counseling… hmm, if that is so easy… changin’ one’s heart n desire. kalu psychologist (nyesal tak ambek psychology nih!) mmg ada such great power, musti senang ek kta nk soh sesaper yg kta suka tp tak menyukai kta ntok love and adore us… antor jer kt those so call great humans with therapeutic powers to change hati diaorg! mmg tak masuk akal. bak kata tagline movie Elizabeth I (yg diperan oleh Hellen Mirren) … secara ringkasnya… the hardest thing to govern is the heart!!!

c. rapunzel2x… let down your golden hair…

another buzzworthy brita front page news Mingguan Malaysia…. maid cuba nk escape! siap ikat2 bjua smua… yes… another movie flick!!! pelik jugak, kt manala this heartless people is hiding all this long… sedap2 ja nk dera org… siap ada kesan cekikan… what a cruel world we are living in!!!

d. anugerah sri angkasa (‘ASA’) cancelled!!!

tak taula apa mslhnya, ckpnya mslh utama takde sponsors… tapi, bukan ni government linked project ka?! yg peliknya anugerah lain yg ‘ala2’ mcm ASA yg dianjurkn oleh konglomerat yg sama yg control that tv network, bley palk jln! ingt program peringkat skolah jer susah nk dpt tajaan… convest, millef, etc… program yg ada slot kt tv pun b’nasib srupa?! tapi ok jugakla, ASA tuh mmbazir ja… cm takde objective… award show yg terlampau pemurah, smua nder nk dibagi adiah… would someone care to explain to me apa beza anugerah ‘DJ versatile’ dgn ‘penyampai radio terbaik’? jingle pun nk bg anugerah! ntah paperla… kumpul penaja bg anugerah kt plajar cemerlang lg baguih!!! tv mmg ntah papa!!

lesson learned: too much of tv is hazardous!!!


asniloveschocolate said...

eleh...hang bukan memang suke merayau dalam ofis tu pastu kadang2 dok kat sofa kuning tu and belek2 bace paper kan?? hehe. tak kene sound dgn sape2 ke bace paper time keja? =ppp

NKLi G'KaR said...

ya ka?! aku jln2 situ meninjau keadaan opis ja!