Friday, February 6, 2009

Dadah Musuh Negara

Michael Phelps was suspended from competition for three months by USA Swimming, the latest fallout from a photo that showed the Olympic great inhaling from a marijuana pipe.

dato' lee and dato' nicole, jangan tiru aksi ini tau... continue to make the country proud WITHOUT this kind of publicity. this only continues to show that drugs usage harms nobody but your ownself! read full article here.


ulat said...

ler...berejam² update blog..ini je hasilnye! hiks!

NKLi G'KaR said...

nk mendaptkn susun atur yg mnarik...

Che underscore Lee said...

hehh motiff jadi mermaid.. i mean merman tuh?

dan saje je hang carik alasan nak tayang shirtless man on your blog kan?

NKLi G'KaR said...

pitnah! pitnah! pitnah!