Upin & Ipin : Geng Pengembaraan Bermula

This is one malay (animated) movie I don't have any problems promoting. Mmg best! Wlupun aku menjangkakn its gonna be a light and warm hearted kind a movie, it exceeds that. Though the storyline's not so novel, the script need tightenin' n upin & ipin's character (which 2 me, is the main attraction) were a bit sidelined... this is a movie (definitely) worth watching! kind a miss kawan2 upin n ipin yg lain2 though. Wlupun dh 3 minggu, it still strong among the moviegoers. Smlm kt Pav, siap panggung besaq lagi!
moga target rm10 mil berjaya dicapai!
sebagai manusia yg associated dgn Faculty of Creative Multimedia, MMU, dan Les Copaque.. aku bangga dengan kamu semua wahai senior2ku hehe..
sbg rkyt m'sia, aku turut sama b'bangga!
bangga2 nih, dh p tgk ka?
Baraq sah2 le suke wataknya ada dalam tu...
aku je la?!
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