Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Stay Aside New Diva, Naomi is Still Here to Stay

I know this post is a bit behind, but for those who remembered Miss Naomi taking offence of this new ad by Cadbury as being racist due to her being infered as a chocolate (mind u, not as a diva), the chocolate giant has apologised.

Though it seems that Naomi (and her legal team) accepts the call for truce, she is still furious on the long time taken by Cadbury to do so.

Would Mariah be offended, though, if the ad took her name instead? What do you think? She is to me why the word diva is (negatively) coined for, in the first place. he he he...

p/s: at least international divas claim their rights, not like local artiste clamoring to fantasies!

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